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Writer's pictureLia Baumann

The Controversy about Animal Cruelty

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

First of all, welcome back or welcome to my Website/ Blog, i hope you are having an amazing day!

Today the topic of discussion will be Animal Cruelty and Animal testing, the essential building block and initiative of this project.

So what is Animal Cruelty and how does Animal testing tie into all of this?

According to, the definition of Animal Cruelty or Animal neglect/abuse is "Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse, animal neglect or animal cruelty, is the infliction by omission (animal neglect) or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human."

Adding on to this, Animal Cruelty can be seen in different forms, such as:

  1. torturing or beating an animal

  2. confining or transporting an animal in a way that is inappropriate for its welfare;

  3. killing an animal in an inhumane manner;

  4. failing to provide appropriate or adequate food or water for an animal;

  5. failing to provide appropriate treatment for disease or injury; and

  6. failing to provide appropriate living conditions.

Animal testing ties into Point 6; failing to provide appropriate living conditions. Often animals that are tested are held in very small cages with minimal options for mobility. In medical trials, animals are often forced to stick to extreme diets so that the results can be seen as more accurate. In cosmetic trials, animals' skin is often cut open leaving the animal in a bad state and living in agony for a long period of time. Not to mention what happens when there are side effects to medications or products that leave the animal living in a monstrous state of pain and agony. On the other hand, some might argue that performing these tests on animals prevents us from having to use actual humans which is considered illegal in a lot of countries.

Have a lovely rest of your day, and remember to share the link to this website if you learned something new today!


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